Create your own Rubber Stamp Alphabets!
Buy Now For £30
Everything you need to get started
Advice on materials & technique as well as alphabet tracing sheets!

Journaling Techniques
Discover how to create your own unique alphabet to use in sketchbooks, journals and other creative projects

Unlock Creativity
Learn how to unlock your creative potential without the pressure with brilliant cheats and tips!
You don't need to to be able to draw letters!
Building your very own unique, stamped alphabet is a really useful way of overcoming the huge 'problem' of lettering in your journals and sketchbooks. You may already have collections of shop bought craft alphabets so why not have a go at making your own? There won't be another one like it!
You don't need to have any experience in lettering or printmaking to take part in this workshop!
What you get when you buy:
- Three workshop videos taking you through the process of making your own alphabet
- How to get started with brilliant advice for beginners on materials and techniques
The best cheats and tips! You don't need to to be able to draw letters... there are printable tracing sheets with hand drawn alphabets included.
Inspiring ideas and a collection of mini projects with creative ways to use your alphabet
Personalisation! How to turn your own handwriting into a rubber-stamp alphabet!
- Unlimited access Watch as many times as you like!

Includes Step-By-Step Instructions and Tips & Tricks
Lettering is a creative discipline in its own right and it's so tricky to get good results!
With this workshop you get a collection of beautiful, hand drawn (and a bit wonky!) alphabet tracing sheets (so you don't need to be a pro-level lettering artist!) and during the course you will learn how to turn them into an alphabet of rubber stamps that you can use time and time again.
There's so many inspiring ways to apply your own personal alphabet: in journals, sketchbooks, artist books, greetings cards and stationary. They will definitely be a really useful addition to your creative kit!

I just wanted to tell how much I truly enjoyed your pebble workshop, it was fantastic and a total joy!!! I so appreciate all the hard work you put into into the class and the backup resources. I know you work extremely hard on your classes they make me so relaxed and happy! THANK YOU!

This note is a very big thankyou for the workshops. I am having such a good time with them. I think the recorded version works best for me - they are so inspirational and I love being able to rewind a little when I can’t quite get something or when I want to pause and study or reflect.
I’ll be doing more of the workshops and have so many ideas for how to use them in my life. They really are helping me to re-find my inner creative.
Lucia Leyfield
Lucia is an artist, letterer and teacher who loves creating illustrated journals and artist books. She has become known for a unique and creative approach to her work which has been described as 'quietly joyful...a nostalgic, moving and profound ...a treasure chest of creativity and inspiration'
Her journals and sketchbooks, which record life as it happens, conversations, inspirations and experiments, have become works of art in their own right. Many of Lucia's sketchbooks are handmade with a range of papers and combine traditional and experimental hand lettering with watercolour, collage and mixed media sketches.
She is inspired by a diverse range of things: the old, rusty and wonky, worn architectural patinas, ancient diagrams, aged buildings, old books and ephemera, explorers' sketchbooks and vintage field guides.